Monday, 6 May 2013

Take Professional Aid for Offshore Company Formation

As of today, there are many entrepreneurs who are interested in offshore company formation. It has proven to be a profitable option for many people. This can result in investing their money overseas to make huge profits. However, there are various factors that need to be properly considered. The company formation or expansion of your business in overseas markets is quite a complex procedure. The entrepreneur needs to ensure that the process is smooth and adhere to the rules efficiently. This is where you can opt for the professional offshore firm to receive the right service. The team of experts is well versed with the formation proceedings. It can make a huge difference in the fulfilling of your requirements for the formation of offshore foundation.
The offshore service provider has a professional team of accountants and commercial experts. This results in acquiring comprehensive advisory services from international experts. The quality of the service will be excellent and accurate. You can expect proper guidance related to selection and establishment of the offshore company structure. The offshore service provider performs the offshore incorporation proficiently. They can deliver the service with confidentiality and stable jurisdiction for the offshore company formation. You need to make the correct decision when it comes to investing overseas. Hence, it will be wise to opt for the assistance of reliable offshore service providers.
The offshore services are ideal for the offshore company formation and maintenance. The online entrepreneur can expect to obtain customized incorporation services. The experts will provide cost effective as well as result oriented solutions to their clients. There is no harm in opting for the consultancy service. This way, the consultant will provide tailored solutions according to your requirements. Many offshore companies have been set up with incorporation services.
Most entrepreneurs require financial assistance for setting up the offshore trust or firm overseas. Offshore banking can prove to be of great help in acquiring bank accounts. All the necessary paperwork for the account opening procedure will be handled by the expert. The team of experts will arrange the important documents. In addition, they will attend the interview on behalf of their clients which is essential to the account opening procedure. The entire process will be completed fast. The offshore online banking process and offshore debit card helps in accessing funds easily. This allows foreign investment opportunities to be tapped in more profitably.
With the emergence of the reliable offshore service provider, the establishment of an offshore business has become hassle-free. Many entrepreneurs are willing to opt for offshore company foundation in the overseas country of their choice. The offshore service provider offers careful planning and efficiently handles the entire legal procedure. This takes off a lot of pressure from your shoulder. It is great for the entrepreneur and it helps in concentrating on the other crucial aspects of the business. The entire company formation will be done legally and with bearing your reputation in mind. You will be in a better position to achieve your business goals.

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Towing Companies Offer So Much More Than Just Tow Truck Services

Everyone has needed a tow truck at some point or another. Whether it was a flat tire and a missing spare or a fender bender, tow trucks have helped us all out of a jamb by safely transporting our vehicle to a repair shop. But many people don't realize that towing companies offer more than just a lift when your car is disabled. From roadside assistance to flat-bed towing, your local towing provider offers a several helpful services.
Emergency Roadside Assistance Services
In addition to tow truck services, most towing companies provide complete roadside assistance. Many offer 24-hour help, so in the middle of the night-when roadside assistance is most important-they'll be there to lend a hand. From changing flats to jump-starting your vehicle, tow companies offer assistance even when you don't need the tow truck itself! Roadside assistance from your local towing service can help reduce your anxiety during stressful roadside breakdowns as well as help keep you safe. For those minor emergencies when your vehicle is temporarily out of action, they'll get your car going again and get you back on the road.
Emergency roadside assistance services are generally designed to help drivers with common problems like: 
  • Flat tires
  • Empty gas tanks
  • Dead batteries
  • Lock outs

Flatbed Towing Services
While you may be familiar with the use of a flatbed tow truck for transporting damaged vehicles, you might not realize that they are also used for hauling equipment and large loads. Many towing companies provide flatbed towing services for small storage containers, industrial equipment, tractors and farm equipment, walk-in refrigerators, and other loads too large for easy transportation. Generally available for cross-town trips as well as long distances, flatbed hauling can be a great solution for your hard-to-transport equipment. And, for added peace of mind, don't forget that the tow truck driver has the skills and tools to safely and easily load and transport your freight for problem-free transportation!
While most people automatically associate towing companies [] with damaged vehicles, these businesses also offer other convenient and helpful services. The next time you think of towing companies, don't forget that they also offer roadside assistance and flatbed towing. Now you know who to call when you need either of these services!

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Debt Assistance Services - Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement

The debt assistance services will help you to get rid out of arrears and relieve you from the tension also. It is very difficult for the non payers to overcome from the fearful situation of arrears within a short span of time. On the other hand, if the consumers pay the bills of the plastic cards every month, then they are not required to face this type of worst financial crisis. The best way to get rid out of dues is to seek help from professional debt settlement companies that offers reliable debt settlement services. There are various companies available on the internet and you can find a trustworthy company by doing some research. The company will provide you highly qualified debt management experts who will guide you on the right track. This is the legitimate process and aids the consumers to a large extent. This process also has certain disadvantages.
The main advantage of debt settlement is that it only takes 2-3 years to relieve you from liabilities. In this case, the defaulters need to hire a settlement company and the experts of those companies act on behalf of the consumers. They are dealing with the lenders for a long period of time. Hence, it is easy for them to interact with the loan providers. They generally do not want any negotiation process but the experts convince them by providing some logical reasons. Here the professionals take all the responsibilities of the borrowers including receiving of phone calls of the lenders. It is the appropriate and most prominent method by which the consumers can be free from their liabilities. The drawback is that you will not be debt free once you seek help from this method. In this process, the credit report will also get hampered to a certain extent. When the consumers find that their dues become unmanageable then they are eager to seek help from the debt assistance services. Getting out of arrears through debt negotiation programs is gaining huge popularity these days.
This settlement process is the one of the most largest, popular and respected debt assistance services. The consumers can also avail internet or other sources to gather information about different solutions. These services are very crucial especially when the consumers are overwhelmed with huge burden of dues.
Debt settlement is a legitimate alternative to filing bankruptcy. Consumers must be experiencing a legitimate financial hardship and have at least $10k in unsecured debt to qualify for most programs. Check out the link below to locate legitimate debt settlement companies in your area for a free consultation.

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Ways That Private Investigation Can Assist With Insurance Claims

Although the majority of people who make an insurance claim are likely doing so for legitimate reasons, experts say that there are an increasing number of fraudulent claims due to a persistent cultural shift where some people try to get compensated in any way possible. However, private investigation experts can fight back against these bogus claims by using a far-reaching approach to research the validity of someone's situation.
The Benefit of Pre-Screening Techniques
Unfortunately, the fact that many insurance forms and applications can be completed online could make some people more tempted to commit fraud.
This reality can be particularly troubling for example, if someone lies about a pre-existing medical condition in an effort to make themselves seem like a better candidate for private health insurance. With that in mind, some insurance companies choose to hire private investigation companies to check into a person's background before offering a final decision about insurance coverage.
Private Investigation Can Offer Insight About The Severity of a Claim
Processing insurance claims is something that insurance providers do on a regular basis. However, even the most skilled insurance staff members can sometimes fall victim to an incident of insurance fraud. Because the magnitude of a particular event, such as a vehicle crash, is sometimes only described through words and photographs, unscrupulous individuals may feel that they have a good chance of getting away with exaggerating the scope of their claim. After all, techniques such as camera angles and making slight changes in the surrounding environment can make the damage seem much more severe. However, private investigation experts can employ a full range of their own techniques to seek the truth. In some cases, their services go far beyond observation to the point of where they actually visit someone at their home and gather information by conducting an interview.
Private Investigation as a Way to Ensure Continual Prosperity
Generally, insurance companies make their money by offering protection against automobile accidents, health problems and more. However, insurance companies decide how much coverage to offer a customer, or how to handle a specific claim based on the information provided by the customers themselves. If something seems amiss, a private investigation team can fill in any gaps in information so that the tactics of untruthful customers don't adversely affect insurance companies. After all, if the current trend of people attempting to get compensation in all available forms continues to rise, insurance companies who don't choose to hire private investigation assistance may be putting their entire insurance business at risk.

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HOA Management Companies Supply Knowledgeable Assistance to Overextended Volunteers

New HOA's frequently have the misconception that administration is the sole responsibility of the elected board. While self-management is ideal for the early beginnings of a neighborhood, increased responsibilities lead to insufficient maintenance, financial problems, or other avoidable conflicts. Specialized companies can step in at this point and provide the assistance necessary to maintain or improve neighborhood quality. HOA management companies' fees are far less than the after effects of a poor administration brought on by restricted time or lack of knowledge of board members. Self-management was an idea initially instilled by developers who had the impression that a volunteer board could handle all tasks at no cost for higher profits. This might have been true when the idea of HOA's first came about; however, today's volunteers have much more on their plate than what used to be common within a neighborhood.
Community Association Management ServicesEase the Troubles of Maintaining Market Value
Community administration requires a considerable expertise in various areas including conflict resolution, budgeting, legalities, assessments, and general property care. Volunteers are not always well versed in every area and frequently do not have the time necessary to properly manage each aspect. Professionals can take over daily responsibilities, assist in financial areas, and supply expert advice to boards in terrible need of help without depleting the set budget. Community association management services ensure all necessities are covered to maintain the current value of each residence. Long term planning, maintenance knowledge, and construction familiarity are important to overall market value. Volunteer boards typically do not have the high experience level needed to cover every area of neighborhood management. Lack of knowledge or planning can lead to insufficient financial resources that limit the amount of maintenance supplied throughout the neighborhood.
Administration bodies handling activities on their own eventually find out they have bitten off more than they can chew. Administration without professional assistance is difficult and frequently causes problems between owners in the community. Boards are not dealing with rental tenants who can be evicted when not in compliance or behind on their payments. Owners have higher standards for care, services, and decisions regarding the community they live in. Inexperience causes bad decisions, inability to plan for expenses, and heightened conflicts among neighborhood residents. While community association management services do cost money, they are a worthwhile investment for any board with too much to manage.
HOA management companies assist with two important aspects of community administration: finances and procedures. Collecting fees or discussing how finances are dispersed causes conflict between individuals residing in the neighborhood. Rule enforcement can be impossible and each encounter promises some form of confrontation. Boards currently experiencing problems such as these can eliminate them by shifting the weight of these tasks to neutral professionals. Pre-screening qualifications, thorough bidding evaluations, and a good interview process can make the transition increasingly beneficial. A board should not simply look at the cost of these services, but instead consider what opportunities are being missed by not acquiring experienced help for the betterment of the community.

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The Future of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Networks

A debate is taking place in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) industry over the effectiveness of specialized EAP/Wellnesscompanies and national insurance companies with large integrated EAP/behavioral health networks. The EAP industry has long made the assumption that the Specialty EAP/Wellness companies provide higher quality services and yield better Returns On Investment (ROI). However, insurance company EAP's have gained significant market share of the EAP industry.
Specialized EAP/Wellness companies provide small local networks of EAP counselors, management consultants and highly experienced account managers that have a deep understanding of specific company cultures, needs and expectations. Many of the large national insurance companies have large significantly discounted EAP and integrated behavioral health networks with high levels of member geographic access and include most of the same providers as the specialty EAP companies.
The ROI of both network types are difficult to measure accurately. However, both Specialty EAP companies and insurance company EAP's are mitigating their weaknesses and leveraging their strengths to compete in the EAP and Wellness market.
Specialized EAP Company Networks
Specialty EAP/Wellness companies tend to have small highly specialized EAP networks. Most Specialty EAP/Wellness companies require EAP providers to meet minimal standards in addition to having specific documented training and experience with Employee Assistance.
Typical Minimal Requirements:
· Master's or doctorate in behavioral health field
· State License to Practice Independently
· Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
Many specialty EAP/Wellness companies require the following additional training and experience to be documented:
· One or more years of documented EAP training and counseling experience
· Ability to provide screening, brief-intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) or solution-focused counseling
· Ability to provide collateral contact, follow-up, and case management services
· 15-24 hours of specific training in the area of substance abuse
Specialty EAP/Wellness companies also tend to have even more specialized sub-networks.
· Post-Traumatic Stress Debriefing Specialistsand Crisis Response Networks
· Topic Specific Training Networks (stress, obesity, diabetes, anger, management dynamics, etc)
The Specialty EAP/Wellness companies usually have local account managers for every company worksite. Local account managers are highly experienced EAP counselors and consultants that have experience working with specific companies and/or local workforces and understand the company culture. Local account manager's work with both management and employees.
All Specialty EAP/Wellness companies have expert management consultants. EAP/Wellness management consultants are highly experienced and credentialed professionals that consult with either management or human resources on behavior related employee issues. EAP/Wellness management consultants have broad multi-industry experience working with high-risk employee behaviors and issues. EAP/Wellness management consultants provide critical consultation to companies on unanticipated consequences of individual employee situations and situations that affect large groups of employees.
Specialty EAP/Wellness companies historically have provided small highly specialized EAP networks. In some areas, because of the more intense provider requirements geographic member access/availability to qualified providers may be limited. For national employers, Specialty EAP/Wellness companies may not have qualified network providers near all of their locations.
Issues of Mitigation for Specialized EAP/Wellness Companies
· Network Size and Access: Lease large EAP networks and offer telephonic or video options
· Lack of Network in Areas of New Business: Add contractual network expansion performance guarantees
· Integration: Match health plans behavioral health network
· Accreditation:
· NCQA Certification
· Credential to NCQA standards and seek delegation agreement with healthcare organization
· Cost: Develop clear differentiation of the value of smaller highly specialized EAP/Wellness networks.
Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP) Issue
The Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) has an excellent EAP professional certification program. The program was launched in 1986 but has had a minimal impact on the EAP/Wellness Industry for two profound reasons.
1. Limited Access: Internationally, there are only 4000-5000 CEAP's. Possibly more than half of the CEAP's do not have state licenses to practice independently because it is not a requirement, consequently making them ineligible for network participation. Another half of CEAP's are part of internal EAP's and are not participating in external EAP networks.
2. Cost or Incentives: Whereas the CEAP credential assuresa high level of understanding of employee assistance; the credential is relatively expensive for independent practitioners and is not a requirement to participate in any external EAP network. The credential costs the same or more than many state licenses and results in a very small fraction of new referrals.
The CEAP is an excellent credential; unfortunately hardly a factor in today's national EAP networks because of limited access or incentives for providers to become CEAP's. Today the CEAP credential cannot be used to measure the quality of any external EAP/Wellness program because of the small percentage of CEAP's in the provider universe.
EAP Leased Network Issue
There are several national/international EAP networks available for lease. Leased networks can provide advantages but come with limitations as well.
1. Leased networks are expensive in a commoditized industry. Costs are difficult to trend and usually involve market specific discounted rates and per member, per month (PMPM) charges and/or administrative fees.
2. Generally, the large leased EAP networks are not accredited and do not bring the same value as the large integrated EAP/Behavioral Health insurance company networks.
3. Many EAP networks do not have assignable language in their provider contracts; meaning legally the providers cannot be leased to a third party. While it is rare in EAP, in retrospect providers could prohibit third parties from assuming the contracted discounted rate and be entitled to a significantly greater fees or their full charges consequently neutralizing any discounted advantage of the leased network.
The Insurance Company Integrated EAP/Behavioral Health Networks
All of the large insurance companies have large national behavioral health networks. Their behavioral health networks meet the nationally accepted network access standards wherever the health plan has members or plans to sell new business. Most health plans have built EAP networks by amending the contracts of their existing behavioral health providers. In a short period of time, this has resulted in very large, highly discounted, NCQA accredited, national EAP/Behavioral Health Integrated networks. The health insurance company incurs no extra cost to build, manage or maintain their EAP networks. EAP is one of many product amendments made to existing provider contracts.
Some insurance companies require the provider to list "EAP" as a specialty or require EAP experience.
The minimum requirements for most insurance company EAP/behavioral health providers:
· Master's or doctorate in behavioral health field
· State License to Practice Independently
· Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
NCQA requires health plans to source verify the information above. However, does require source verification of any specific experience; such as EAP experience.
Consequently, the insurance companies EAP/Behavioral Health generally do not have as specialized EAP networks. However, many insurance companies can easily identify the self-reported specialties of their providers. In addition, it is possible that every EAP specialist in a specified market may be contracted.
Issues of Mitigation for Large Insurance Companies with an Integrated EAP/Behavioral Health Network
· Identify and report EAP specialists within the network
· Develop separate sub-networks
· Offer telephonic or video options
· Develop or acquire a strong internal EAP department
· Identify local market experts and develop consulting partnerships
· Differentiate the value of integration and provider discounts in comparison with specialty services.

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Enhance Your Tuition Assistance Program - The ABC's (and D)

Moving a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) from an untracked benefit to a strategic investment is a goal for many Training and Development departments. Articles in some of the recent HR or Training journals show how enhancing the TAP can save tuition dollars, make decisions with strategic reporting and even align the TAP to career development or talent management.
Here are the ABC's and D first steps to enhance the Tuition Assistance Program:
• ADMINISTRATION. If the TAP is manually administered and in-house, you may want to think about outsourcing this function. Using valued employees for tedious, clerical functions is a waste of time. The outsourced administration companies, also known as Educational Management companies can move the TAP to an Internet based, 24 X 7 access, with online or Help Desk customer service and reporting functions.
Outsourced Tuition Assistance Administration can be either reimbursement or disbursement. A Learning Directory will list all the degree programs, schools and majors supported by the company and can handle multiple sites. Some of the typical reports include Expenditure Report, Transaction Report, College Providers, Trends and some specialized strategic reports to help make additional decisions about Tuition Assistance Program changes.
• BENEFITS. Outsourcing your TAP to an Educational Management company can help move this program from an untracked benefit to a strategic investment. Consultants from one of the Educational Management companies can help review your company's Tuition Assistance Policy, outline the advantages of reimbursement or disbursement, and help align the program to career development or talent management.
Other benefits of using an Educational Management company would be to reduce fraud by reviewing grades, documents and tuition statements. The Educational Management Company can also provide College Fairs and other marketing to help boost the level of employee participation.
• COUNSELING. Educational Counseling or Academic Advising is another benefit of using an outsourced Educational Management company. Advising can save tuition dollars and help employees select the best school and degree plan by focusing on goals, background and skills. Trained academic advisors can help employees who were educated outside the US and unfamiliar with the US education system. Trained academic advisor can help employees who have not completed their degree by showing them educational options that will save them time off their degree plan. Trained academic advisors can help employees balance life/work and school.
• DISCOUNTS. The Educational Management companies have partnered with community colleges, state and private universities, online colleges and for-profit universities to provide 5% - 20% tuition discounts. These discounts can save the company hundreds of thousands of dollars off the total reimbursement spend per year. The Educational Management consultants can also partner with local schools to bring degree plans, certificates and training programs on-site.
Review the benefits of outsourcing your TAP program to an Educational Management company. Some companies charge per administration transaction; some charge a fixed monthly or yearly fee. Most charge separate amounts for the Administration and Advising, but a "package" service of Administration, Counseling and Discounts is the trend and can show the greatest benefit to the Tuition Assistance Program.
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A Specialized Roadside Assistance Company Offers the Best Coverage

Many companies offer roadside assistance today but nothing beats the benefits that you'll receive when you use a company that specializes in this type of coverage. You'll only need to use the coverage when you have an emergency that leaves you stranded some place. When this happens, you want to pick up your cell phone, call your company and hear that someone will be at your location right away. This is not the time to get the runaround from a representative who acts like you're bothering them.
More than that, you want to see help pulling up beside your vehicle in a reasonable amount of time. If you have to sit for hours and constantly call the company back to get help, this coverage is not worth having. The reason you got the service in the first place was to make sure you have help when you need it without a hassle.
While it may be convenient to use a company for roadside assistance that you're already doing business with, it may not be the wisest choice. You don't know how well the company will respond when an emergency occurs because you have to wait until something happens to find out what type of customer service they provide and if they stand behind their claims.
Unfortunately, that's not a good time to learn that the company you chose doesn't have the resources to find the best service for your needs or that they take hours to respond. That's where the horror stories you hear about come from. It's when drivers have to use their service only to discover the company they chose was not as good as they claimed.
Auto Insurance Companies
You can get roadside assistance from many auto insurance companies but keep in mind that their specialty is insurance. Many of these companies also provide homeowners insurance. When you think about all of the accident claims and homeowners claims they must deal with annually, you have to wonder if you're really getting the best roadside assistance possible. While their coverage may be good, is it the best?
Phone Companies
There are even a few phone companies offering roadside assistance now but many of them also offer TV service and Internet service. That's a lot of services for one company to keep up with. You have to ask yourself, does your phone company really have access to the information needed to find you the best towing service in the area or the most affordable locksmith. Sure, they can look up the closest one to your location but can they guarantee you good service?
Companies that specialize in roadside assistance only, won't have all of these other services taking up their time. This means they can put all of their attention on providing the best roadside assistance available today. That's what sets them apart from all the rest.
When trying to decide which company to buy roadside assistance from, ask yourself this question. If you ever find yourself stranded alone at night on a deserted road who would you trust the most for help, your phone company, your insurance company or a company that specializes in roadside assistance?
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